About the history, products and services of Culture Shaper and the Apollonean Institute team

The Apollonean Institute Pty Ltd is an Australian business that was registered in 1995, and has developed a range of recruitment and staff development solutions for large and small organisations, and for consultancy use.

The range of Apollo Profile personality assessments is now in its sixth version, and is used worldwide by large and small clients.

In 2015 a new concept for assessing employees to culture fit was released. This has now been integrated with the Apollo Profile Personality test and called Culture Shaper, which provides tools and processes to transform organisation culture.

Key Personnel in Culture Shaper

Dr. Richard Hicks

Dr. Hicks is the Professor of Psychology at Bond University. Dr. Hicks has a strong practical, professional and academic background; he has published more than 150 books, articles, tests and surveys. He has written widely on assessment and selection processes, giving special attention to the development of psychological and organisational tests and surveys. Dr. Hicks is the co-developer of the Apollo Profile psychometric assessment along with James Bowden, and assisted with the development of Culture Shaper.

Mr. James Bowden

Jim is the Principal of the Apollonean Institute and co-developer of the Apollo Profile assessment, along with Dr. Richard Hicks.  In 2020 Jim released a new system called Culture Shaper to help organisations transform their organisation culture.

Jim has had over thirty years of executive experience as a management consultant, human resources and recruitment professional. He has also lectured and taught different subjects in a number of tertiary institutions, and was a Chartered Member of the Australian Human Resources Institute, and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management.

Mr. Dennis Hall

Dennis is the General Manager for Culture Shaper. Dennis has over 30 years experience at Executive Management level in the tourism and hospitality sector. He was a Coach and Facilitator for the Australian Institute of Management (Qld) for over 15 years.

He holds an MBA in marketing management, is a Fellow of the Institute for Learning Professionals and presents regularly at conferences in Australia and internationally on business relationship building & strategy development.

Dr. Amanda Bowden

Amanda has a doctorate in Cultural Anthropology and has played a significant research and advisory role in building Culture Shaper.

BCB Industries

Provide system development, design for all information technology components, and ongoing support.

Tony Brown

Tony is a qualified accountant and business broker and business advisor.

Philip and Merelyn Schodel

are the accountants for the Apollonean Institute and provide financial and accounting services and advice.

Culture Shaper Partners

John Willett

John is an experienced consultant and distributor based in West Australia.


Potentia is an assessment and recruiting and development services provider, including MBTI products and Apollo Profile.

RLC – Asia Bangkok

RLC-Asia is a diverse recruitment company based in Bangkok and a Distributor of Culture Shaper and the Apollo Profile.

Amanda Oldridge

Amanda Oldridge is a senior consultant with extensive overseas experience, see www.peopleinsight.com.au

For further information please contact:

James Bowden
Managing Director
61 412 991 747

Dennis Hall
General Manager
61 412 453 241

The Apollonean Institute Pty Ltd.
ABN 84 953 406 037
Post: C/- PO Box 735 Marsden Queensland 4132

We look forward to hearing from you.